She is afraid public will learn Brad is not the father of any of her children. - Maury
She is afraid public will learn Brad is not the father of any of her children. - Maury
Set up by Kris, who also hired the videographer and lighting guy. Negotiations with Vivid are still underway.
I think the fact that it’s an unemployed, broke-ass, leech has the nerve to pull some incestuous fuck-boy shit to the girl paying his car note.
Trailblazer? Culture of divorce? So every step she takes in her life is special and significant to culture because she’s involved? When she gets old and incontinent is she going to be a trailblazer of pooping her pants?
If you mean Irish culture or German culture or Italian culture, etc. sure, I can get behind that. But I’d be curious to hear what “white culture” is.
Mayonnaise on everything and subjugating brown people.
Pro Tip: Don’t use eBay for your scamming. eBay is in the United States and, because of PayPal, it acts as a centralized clearing house for payments.
I’m just surprised at the ease with which she returned the fake bags in place of the real bags. The last time I tried to return a $20 tote bag to TJ Maxx I had to provide the receipt, three personal references, the surveillance footage of the purchase transaction and guess the troll’s name. Steve. His name was Steve.
Oh, it’s not! She’s had a lot of work done - her cheekbones, her nose, and her lips, too. Which is why her being lauded as one of the most beautiful women in the world is so fucking annoying. Stop pushing these surgically-altered beauty standards on us!
Okay so I’m not the only one that doesn’t think it’s naturally occurring.
It should be, she paid a lot of money for it.
For years scientists have mistakenly claimed that diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring substance. In reality, that award actually goes to Angelina Jolie’s jawline.
What about kids of parents that just really hate each other but are still married?
Someday, after I become ridiculously wealthy and successful, I will throw a fabulous annual holiday party called Fifth Christmas and only children whose parents are divorced will be allowed to come. And we will drink and be merry and bitch about our parents.
There’s something so pathetic about some bloated, rich, famous boozebag who will only date “models” because he thinks so very highly of his own appeal. If he were not famous or rich, he’d not garner a lot of attention from the ladies. He’s starting to look like someone’s creepy alcoholic uncle.
I do NOT. repeat: do NOT. see the appeal. Can someone explain? I don’t want him inside of me, I don’t want to be inside of him... I don’t get it. He’s so gross. Someone? Anyone?
So we’re just going with the rebranded “wolfpack” bullshit after years of them calling themselves “Pussy Posse”? No. Just call them what they actually are at this point, skeezy middle-aged creeps.
“Teen Vogue” doing what mainstream media critics aren’t willing to, Especially by name, and to the perpetrator’s face.