
I don’t get what people see in him. In any respect.

He forgot to add unattractive.

“Culturally, [I’m] perceived as being white, male, upper-class, privileged.”

Isn’t TMZ basically on the Kardashian payroll ?

Anyone else think its gross that we keep getting these daily updates on Kayne and Kim from TMZ?

You’re neither particularly funny nor adept at posting memes.

I think on some level, many people don’t believe Hillary Clinton would be running the country. They think Bill Clinton would be running the country and Hillary would be his mouthpiece, because Hillary doesn’t have a penis, and whoever heard of someone without a penis running things?

I saw her speak at BAM with Tina Fey earlier this week. Nearly cried. She cursed like a real person and everything! A guy asked her what she does when she fucks up, and her answer was “I never fuck up,” delivered in perfect deadpan. And then she told him that she just orders everyone pizza.

Also Jeffrey+Ina are my marriage goals.

My knee-jerk predictions!

Can Jezebel do a montage of every time someone on RHBH and RHNY jumps into a pool and acts like it is the craziest thing anyone has ever done?

Erika’s “I just did” was a perfect mid-afternoon soundbite.

Erika is easily my favorite housewife of all time.

Life. I am alive. This is what it means to be alive.

Xanax smoothies sound heavenly

this season is looking like a close second to RHONY

Please no more illness storylines!!!! Love that it looks like they take lots of fabulous vacations this season. This show needs some lightness again.

I adore Erika!

I miss Dana($25K sunglasses) Wilkey. She seemed like an entertaining mess

you are sick and I love you