
He better not run in 2020; he would be 78 years old! If he really cared, he would endorse or mentor a new crop of democrats. I am wondering if Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon is planning to run. Also, Elizabeth Warren in a much better choice than Bernie Sanders, if we are going with the old guard.

the person who responded to you immediately below just lost their fucking shit. like, i’m here cackling over how much of an overreaction it was.

Shock is a luxury. No time for luxury anymore. Time to organize, protest, volunteer.

I keep thinking I’m going to wake up.

I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. That loop has been playing in my head all day.

Since you probably need your job and can’t say it, I’ll say it for you - Your boss can go fuck herself.

Because you can only ever care about one set of rights at once. Also, people can never be part of more than one category of discriminated-against persons. No siree. Laverne Cox is just an elegant figment of our collective imaginations. /s

Well, never mind that what Trump is basically saying is that he can grope a woman’s genitals without her permission, because most women wouldn’t dare to question a rich and famous man. Aside from that, how about the fact that the emails are emails - private documents exchanged between individuals that were hacked

Yes, the DNC are in trouble. Definitely not the Republicans.

1. What damaging stuff? If you’re gonna try to troll, do it competently, okay?

Ashley going to the Peggy Noonan/Tom Friedman Journalism By Talking To Randos School. I like it.

Good for them, they deserve some happiness after those husbands of theirs.

Nice to see Huma has finally sworn off Weiner for good.

At this point, if you even THINK about making the argument that Hillary is just as bad as Trump, please remove yourself from society and just think about what you’ve done for a while.

god bless the wapo

Have you BEEN to Portland? I lived there for 10 years. I saw 5 black people. Asian people aren’t as scarce. But it is mostly white.

Translation: I don’t give a shit about this country so I will sit on my ass and stay home instead, but I will tell everybody I can’t vote for evil so I sound like a concerned citizen.

I had all the rage this morning debating with some dumb hippie who said they’re not voting because a vote for the lesser of 2 evils is still a vote for evil. I did all the explaining you’d expect but he just came back with (I swear to god) “Nah I live in the woods I’ll be good, lol”

This, maybe?