"I pretended I became a religious fanatic"
"I pretended I became a religious fanatic"
Victor. Echo. November. passes. Not sure about any others.
Satan doesn't even show up until like Act Four!
Were you watching when Tennant faced down what appeared to be the actual, factual devil?
Would only watch if speech included multiple invocations of HONOR.
That family has had enough bat-shit awful. A break would be nice.
It's the Dalai Lama as the medieval Papacy… with superpowers.
I wish I got a spoiler warning on that Passion of the Christ review. How was I supposed to know Jesus was gonna die?
Well, Finn hates the only full-grown man he's ever seen, so… you solved the puzzle!
Or Ashton Kutcher?
George R.R. Martin smiles to himself.
IHS stands for Isis, which is where Archer used to work. FX is a Jesuit conspiracy!
I just want to tell you that I've been reading all of your comments in Jessica Walter's voice, and it is awesome.
Thank you for this. I wasn't aware of Luther's teaching on the subject. That's rather disturbing.
They are hard to kill! Immortality is a bitch!
I used to believe in the king, but then he kept referring to himself as "we" over and over again. I don't know what to think anymore!
Both the Gospel of Peter and The Protoevangelium of James claim that the other children were Joseph's from an earlier marriage. Neither of these became canonical, but a surprising amount of their content has been incorporated with Christian beliefs since the early Church.
I didn't hate the episode, but the whole time I was cringing for whatever Finn did. I almost wanted to just yell at him to snap out of it. And the end… being shown up by someone you didn't even consider a romantic rival. I've been there, man. Right in the feels. I think these things sort of detracted from what would…
That seems pretty true to reality, though, don't you think?