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I would be remiss, here at DUAN, during Black History Month if I didn’t share a song by an innovator and early black superstar, Louis Armstrong.

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I was looking for Sunrise Sunset the other day, because I was feeling poignant, and I ran across this. Grace Jones slinking around delivering a dose of truth should cheer anyone up. It did me, anyway.

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A jazzy tune named after Charlie Parker’s NYC nightclub.

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“Southbound Train” - Graham Nash & David Crosby

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Just to follow up on that earlier Piazza item...

Glad you got out safely before the Bøwling Grœn attack…

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Black History Month. The godfather of rocksteady. Alton Ellis. Two real pretty songs. I’ll be waiting and it’s a shame.

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This song is insane. Also have you seen Bez’s interviews regarding his Reality Party, he’s actually got some interesting ideas. Would you expect anything less from the greatest percussionist of all time?

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I spent the winter on the verge of a total break
down while living in Sweden Norway

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Impressions of You, featuring Gem Spa and Cup and Saucer