I’ll remember this the next time they cast a Brit as an American in any movie ever.
I’ll remember this the next time they cast a Brit as an American in any movie ever.
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My 10 in no particular order.
7:30 in, and it's goddamn unwatchable. Stuffy, egotistical nerd thinks he's Mr. Fascinating, continually stopping to mention "his chat went away", or some such boring thing. He seems ZERO percent invested in the gaming experience. How do these people make money doing this?!
Looooove having to sit through 3+ minutes of self-indulgent rambling on someones Twitch feed to see them start the damn game. How do so many people have an over-inflated view of how fascinated we are with their off-topic BS? START. THE. DAMN. GAME. Ugh.
Further proof of why they say women are bad drivers.
We feel sorry for you country folk who have to drive 10 miles just to get groceries...travesty really.
I dunno, Matt. I'm in more of a Miley Cyrus mood.