Alexander Meadow

Quality snark right there bro. One of the things I admire about the show is its commitment to detailed realism in its portrayal of a fantasy universe. A realistic concussion would have given that scene more weight, instead it was basically American Pie Middle Ages. The writers can write an alternate universe, but

We did get some of the most major boobage the show has given us in some time.

That would have been really cool. It would have to be filmed well, so that we know they're loyal to the Starks and are not just seen as two more informants on Sansa down the line.

It does heighten the tension, if that's possible, for the Ramsey (sic) scenes, gives him this air of omniscience. I was half expecting him to turn to Sansa at the end of that stroll and say, "now, we both know you shouldn't be stealing sharp tools from these workers."

Good point, it's more likely he used other common folk informing on the old woman to obtain the information.

And you've found your thesis for your class paper! Quick, it's due tomorrow, type type type.

I have a better idea. If watching GoT is so arduous for you, get your friends to sponsor you. Then, donate their pledge money to a charity that helps battered women or victims of rape across the world. That way you can make your fashionable outrage count for something.

Now we know why they hired her despite her pitiful acting last episode.

Everyone is equal before the gods. They're the original oversight committee.

I'm still waiting for any show to handle massive concussions with even the slightest whiff of realism.

There are numerous scenarios that could explain "smoking out" the old lady. Ramsey could have set a decoy trap, wherein he lit the candle and intercepted the old woman at some point. It's not really that big of a stretch.

you're a little eccentric, a little outside the box aren't you?

Fat Cat kicks ass. perfect example of a good cheap nyc hangout with great music, pool, ping pong and a bar.

love the running joke of how Ilana "loves the sushi there"…to people who have had the privilege of going home-especially late on a Saturday night-by way of Penn, this is an incredibly funny joke.

Absolutely! I loved it when she noted the club's change in decor…hilarious way to tell us she's been there before

this is episode 7, there are 10 total. And the next season will have 10 episodes as well. I love this show.