I'm surprised the knock knock joke didn't make it into your stray observations.
I'm surprised the knock knock joke didn't make it into your stray observations.
How've you been holding up? Are you currently on pace? Behind? ahead? How was your first week?
I think, for many, they jump into nanowrtimo without a care in the world, assuming banging out a book is not anymore difficult than reading a novel, something to do over the course of a week or two.
I'm focused on both. On one hand I am working towards getting my first novel finished by crapping on the page. This is more to get the thoughts on the page so i can go back and work with an outline.
I past 6.8k last night. Going to try and hit 10k today. I realized that i might not be able to finish in under 50k so I am forcing myself to make my goal 60 or 70k, its going to be a rough ride.