Alexander Grosby

One ticket - Two Sets and an Encore.

Not really a fair comparison as Phish chooses to play smaller venues leading to a smaller average though. By comparison, 45000 showed up to Watkins Glen in 2015 to see Phish play 9 sets.

All Phish shows are two sets.

In the episode "Shoot" (Season 1, Episode 9): Betty tells the story of how Don was a copywriter at the fur company to her shrink Dr. Wayne.

From the episode "Basket of Kisses": At Dr. Wayne’s, Betty discusses getting the modeling offer from Hobart, again saying “I was a model you know.” She tells the story of meeting Don: She was modeling at a photo shoot, he was a copy writer at the fur company. He saw that Betty was reluctant to give back the fur coat

No one in any article I've read has mentioned that the first scene has Don directing models in fur coats. A few seasons ago, we found out that Don used to have Betty model fur coats to advertise the shop he worked in. So, in reality nothing has changed even after his move to Sterling Cooper over 10 years ago.