Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.
Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.
He's got some African in him. And I don't say that in a bad way, other than he definitely believes in witchcraft and probably has AIDS.
It's not that impressive. Dear and respected Kim Jong Un collected 39 home runs in his first ever match of baseball, defeating an imperious team of American players who did not even have the basic appearance of human beings.
I'm 20 and when I get sandwich from McDonald's I don't look to see what's inside it, I just eat it
Ice Slippery
The MP was perfect, though.
The joke's on Budweiser. Once people get a taste of the tears streaming down their cheeks, they'll never settle for a Bud Light again.
You gotta learn what I did long ago: you can't move an inch with many PC gamers. Assholes are never gonna admit to being assholes, and for some reason there's a rather large and vocal subset of PC gamers who are major assholes who just don't understand opinions that differ from their own. To them, anyone who doesn't…
Between the legs reach around!
i'm ok with shaming people who are doing shameful things. But if this is real, there are no good parents in this family. Who disowns their kid in a note? Something this important requires a real conversation.
Wow, Chris Brown is gonna be hella disappointed when he finds out beating cancer isn't what he thinks it is.
I guess one possible outcome is that it's not my baby.