Alexander Crouton-Skitch

Exactly, ‘cause last heard, he wasn’t a sherriff!  When FoxNews gives you the heave-ho, I guess a privately funded billboard is the only thing left.

Ben Carson’s mantelpiece: really, really,

This reality show is horrible, but I gotta admit -- the casting is perfect!

... and the prosecutors still blabbed to the press. Went running and said ‘yes, he did strike a deal, etc.’

The only sensible reaction I’ve seen today came from HR Pufnstuf.

In a perfect world, and all things being equal, m a y b e, but this ain’t a perfect world, and all things are not equal.

... and so many people are shocked and surprised.

Also, don’t drink anything hot or else you’ll get throat cancer.

Oh, no problemo — it’s Alice Pearce, the first “Gladys Kravitz” from “Bewitched.”

I bumped into this episode a month or so ago and had to make the gif. It’s kind of universal.

I knew he had been ... extra quiet for the past year ... but I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that he twiddles his thumbs.

The Poor Man’s James O’Keefe.

... beat me to it.

PayPal fees are a bitch.

Judith Sheindlin, and it would come in 20 minutes under.

He’s only 5,199 lawsuits behind the Resident of the United States!

I didn’t read her books in the order that they were published, but ‘Solomon’ was the first one that I did read way back when.