The last time I had an episode was when my local grocery store ran out of bacon.
The last time I had an episode was when my local grocery store ran out of bacon.
... and right in front of our faces all the time!
The older models were smaller, but the current ones look like this:
These busses are small, and the times I’ve been on them, they don’t allow anyone to stand. They’re the size / slightly larger than Access-A-Ride or Dial-A-Ride busses.
Another report from the MV Times
That governor needs to get out [more.]
One Fish
Teleprompter Bravery
Reminds me of this satire article that FOX news actually picked up as real for a short time ...
I guess when times are tough and membership’s down, an entry fee is an entry fee!
I had to search for
Reminds me of my college days working on the housing staff as an R.A. We had a rule, no roommate changes/room switches for the first week after move in, because we had to make sure everybody was accounted for, correctly assigned, etc., and/or to account for people who did not show up, etc., etc.
So Becky moves in, and…
That’s why it’s the world’s best designed logo.
... and this bitch walks around with a gun ...
Yep. Was just going to post his former employer’s msg