Taking “he has risen” a little too far.
For starters ... I guess she’s too young to even know who Dr. Spock was.
I know.
I remember he admitted to the affair in his I Have A Dream of Jeannie speech.
Something tells me the book reads worse than he looks.
What else has he got to do besides tweeting and golfing and watching FOX “News” and firing staff and signing things and wolfing down McDonald’s?
I’m convinced that the only reason why this knob has shows on the air is because he has dirt on major Hollywood players when he was the pusher man.
They have something to say!
Ok, them’s fightin’ words.
Time for this ol’ chestnut:
Just as they jump on that orange skidmark’s every single g-d tweet, they won’t boycott a news briefing, but I wish to gawd they would, just once!
I hate karaoke.
Pappy Trump’s gonna get his bone spurs all agitated!
She did it
... and it goes a little somethin’ like this