
He's 18 and has smoked like forever. No problem.

Supercharged Rangie L322. Like a modern day All terrain Blower Bentley. Also a LOT cheaper than a G63. Leaving money for cars that can actually USE the power...

'They all do that sir...' no really, all RRCs had this curve.

Worry not... Wood and Pickett would make it much, much worse for an awful lot of money.

Seems to me there are more 'first ever-ever' and pre production '72 Rangies than normal ones. ;) Just saying...

911 C2s, Yuppie Guards Red with everything...

But this is the way of the Gentleman Thief... fair cop if the old girl gives up on you :P

Thought about this briefly... but the world's most useless tailgate put me off... this is no good to chuck SWAG into quickly!

Barbados. Missed connecting flight from London. Waited 12hrs in a departure lounge that was being built around me. No shops. No functioning toilets. No view out. And, most importantly for Barbados, no aircon.

A Jaaag XJR looking moody in black... like the fact that this one is Repo'd too... suggests previous caddishly bad owners. It just demands string-backed driving gloves. As a getaway device it has: