
I'm sorry but this is bullshit. If you heard probably 99% of the pop stars these days sing live "unplugged" with no reverb or accompaniment I doubt it would be much better. Beyonce can't sing half as well. Mariah has some def vocal problems, wear and tear from all the riffing and over singing, but this is unfair

He is 18 and he's been criminally charged as an adult. Nothing unusual about identifying him.

In fairness: the investigation was underway when I started writing the story, and all the victims and their families spoke warmly of Detective Collett, the officer assigned to their case. They were really unhappy with Norman High School administrators, though, who they believed didn't do enough to put a stop to the

But what the fuck! Why did it take a public outcry of THIS magnitude for the Norman PD to do their goddamn jobs? Are heads going to roll? Has anyone from the department offered his profound apologies?

Holy shit this is awesome.

I actually stopped watching the series because it was so long winded, repetitive, and padded. For me, this wouldn't be abridged, it would be edited.

When I had it done:

The blood clot will take months to resolve. I had what you had, except times 100. Though the procedure was a piece of cake (even drove myself to and fro). My, uh, aftermath was a a fucking disaster. Though I had no external bleeding from my incisions (not even stitched)but some fucking part of my groin decided to

She actually has her nose in the air in this speaks volumes. Oh and Bless her heart I love a woman who gives no fucks whatsoever

The standard should always be at least 48 hours before a release. Not During or not After. Putting an embargo is a huge red flag.

Regarding post-release review embargoes... Yesterday, I gave readers a heads up about the timing of several of our upcoming game reviews. In that note I mentioned that Ubisoft has stipulated that reviews of Assassin’s Creed Unity, based on copies sent in advance by the publisher, couldn’t run until noon of release day.

My guess.

Is that pound cake? Yum.

What have they done to that egg?! What have they done to that poor, poor egg?!?!?! :O


uhhh, frogs legs?

It's missing Howl's bacon and eggs.

Keep your generalizations to yourself. This isn't about punishing pirates, it's about the methods they're using, and the history of this type of scam.

yeah you're definitely nitpicking that's like saying daimler or benz didn't invent the first automobiles because cars have airbags, radios, computers, seat belts, why their cars wouldn't even be street legal today. Her notion sired the subsequent generations of radio transmissions. please put time periods and