
I don’t even own a pickup truck but I endorse this message.

Even better if we could convince people that it’s OK to talk about the problems which, if left bottled up inside their minds, will lead to trying to silence the demons by any means possible, generally drugs or suicide (the quick way, since drugs = suicide).

I’m in the same boat! Bought the game on Steam last night, more on a whim as per a friend’s inspired talk about the past games. He tried to give me a rundown of the background story. I guess I’ll watch some primer on YouTube or something.

I’m not sure what you mean - that it’s good or that it’s not good. China sucks ass at making CGI, so to me this is very badly done - but have you seen official government fake photos? They suck ass. Like everything the Chinese do, it’s sub par garbage.

I just wrapped it up myself last night. Clocked in at 120 hrs. WTF was that with Solas. The moment he said *spoiler* “ matter what I’ll always respect you” I was like whaaaaaaa? No matter what? Whaaaaaa?

“After what was seemingly a three week march toward war between North and South Korea...” Does anyone still take North Korea seriously though? The cynic in me seems confident that NK is as much of a real threat to any one nation as any given schoolyard bully.

There is nothing passive aggressive about passive aggressive staredowns caused by a readiostation office feud.

This is always the paradox that stands out at me the most, though I generally remain silent. People are saying “Christian values” and yet, in both context and fact, Jesus wasn’t hateful or judgemental - he, as far as we know and understand, would have welcomed and protected homosexuals, and while I am not a Christian,

I don’t know if I would go as far as to say that this is being made from scratch. The engine was baked. Sure, that doesn’t mean that it was half done on day one, but it also doesn’t mean that this was done from scratch. But I agree with the fact that 2 years isn’t so bad no matter how it’s sliced. If in 2020 we’re

Ah, The Sparow... I used to have the best straight sex to her music, I mean, amazing sex! Interesting I never tried it once as a gay man.

I have such a love-hate affair with AC that I find it baffling. It’s like this amazing buffet where after a while you just can’t even look at any more food and you check out. It’s almost impossble not to fall in the grind trap and lose track of the story/main quests. Almost feel like all the almanacs and feathers and

What are you going on about dude, his job isn’t to be a man, but to look like the cookie-cutter hipster wannabe boy that 99% of the dudes that look like him are.

Bro, she said she cried. I understood that right away. She’s using a creative and descriptive way of saying “I cried”. I don’t generally jump into an op-vs-respondent debate; but seriously, wtf!? Drop it.

You know what I hate about people like you? Well, the two main things... Firstly, you’re smarter than I am and while I know nothing about what you wrote, everything you wrote made sense. Shame on you! Secondly, you don’t seem to understand that China is all talk (communist propaganda) and near-to-zero walk. They don’t

I’m not American so a historical/old flag only relevant to Americans means nothing to me. I suppose I shouldn’t have asked this because surely it’s already been taken out of context.

What do you mean? She’s not worthy of respect because she acts in pornos? Bitch, please.

“...people grow up thinking black men are natural rapists or otherwise unworthy of laying with white women...” are there people out there who actually honestly hold such views? I know how trollish this question comes off but I’m genuinely asking if this is true.

I don’t know - I wasn’t captivated by its AI. In fact, was it really good AI or was it just good “randomized” scripting. If it was a good AI, why was it always stuck on me even though it should have had no inclination as to my location, even in the general sense? It spent way too much time walking up and down empty

This is going to make Toronto Pride extra special this weekend! Of course, us Canadians had made this ruling a decade ago, so, congratulations to our American brothers and sisters for a hard fight and a sweet victory. Definitely something to celebrate!

These are the days when I am so very much proud of myself for not falling for the pre-order hype. I truly respect myself right now.