
That's odd. Why would that be?

Wait, what? Are BMWs still considered luxury? Maybe it's just here in the Toronto region that every kid, mother and grandma is driving one hence why it's quite common place and has next to no prestige.

The dick cheese should have died. Natural selection failed us all with this asswipe simple walking away.

Fuck off with your idiocy, please. I didn't read too many comments so not sure if you got genuinely pissed at mine or if it was a buildup but yeah the point was more about get over your fucking victim mentality. You were never a slave, neither was I. It is part of my family history and perhaps it's not even part of

My great grandparents were serfs. It's just a synonym for 'slave'. They were beaten, they were raped, they had no rights. They had the same skin colour as their masters. Highly offensive that there are ignorant assholes who think that only blacks have ever been slaves.

It shouldn't. Very inconsistent and I think the person who wrote this fabricated most of it. If I'm wrong, well, I don't care, we all have our own battles to fight. Boo hoo. Good read though. My favorite part was how she wrote about her sick child and the girl who likes to cut her self, and yet this bitch's dream

I paid off all of our debt from all of the moves just last month. We have no savings, and no retirement. We would love nothing more than to buy a home, but even if we were in the financial position to do so, I'd be too afraid to actually do it.

A year and a half later, we were told he would be laid off in two months. I was seven months pregnant. Our insurance would end two weeks before the baby was due.

I had several company owners and directors ask to speak to me directly to assure me of their stability and address any of my fears and concerns over their job offers. Out of character for me, I actually did speak to most of them and voiced my fears about layoffs, and accepting offers only to be laid off when the

I think goat fucker is highly appropriate.

Melissa McCormick needs to send Ahmed a free copy of her book...

And it begins... This won't end well for humanity.

I swear I never experienced it on either the N64 or the GameCube, and I basically got both on their respective launch month - and the GameCube is still going strong, with the same day-one controller! But the 360 controller, the crawl is just embarrassing and while I have nothing to compare it because the 360 was the

I prefer the Xbox One controller for PC. The 360's D-pad was and remains to be unacceptable - and anyone who says this isn't so is lying. Not to mention, both my 360 controllers' analogue sticks developed crawls eventually. All 4 sticks (on the two controllers) so no way it was isolated. The One controller is

Absolutely fascinating read! I've often wish that such topics could be approached with a more "objective" analysis, instead of the social-emotional component of them. For example, pedophilia, yeah, we all know how we feel about the topic, but as an abstract analysis, I'd love to understand it better. I suppose what

Honestly, I accept this explanation and, in fact, I think there's another benefit: less waste.

EXACTLY! Again and again it's being quantified that there's zero benefit between a comparable generation i5 and i7 when it comes to gaming. I wish this i7 gaming recommendation would end, it is just not valid to claim the benefit.

"Buy the cheap ones and dispose of them immediately. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe." Umm, pardon? The good ones aren't cheap, also, incidentally, the good ones are also safe to clean because they are generally made with antibacterial materials (i.e. Doc Johnson's SilAGel formula, etc.) so really, not the

I knew that, I was just testing you. No I didn't....sorry....

Maybe I misread your tone (possible, apologies if I did) but you do realize that us Canadians pay for our health care every single day. Taxes. We pay a lot more than you do in the States, but I suppose I'd pay a little for the rest of my life and have that assurance that I'd never go bankrupt if I had cancer, as is