
But I thought she made her position on that one vote very clear, or am I mistaken?

As an outsider looking inside the political playground that is the U.S.A., all I can say is that a person with Hillary Clinton's calibre (intelligence, experience, education, political know-how, a ex-president for a spouse, etc.) she would have already been elected in most other well-ran countries. Undoubtedly she'd

I'm just as outrages as you, and I also exclusive game on the PC, but not even the top of the top consumer PC from 5 years ago could play what the system requirements would have been like if this game would have have been if released with the visuals as we were initially shown. I'm sorry...but if you're going to make

Without a doubt, it has been downgraded for "next-gen" consoles. It's safe to assume that the same fate will befall Dragon Age: Inquisition and The Witcher 3. Although, I think CDProjekt will pull off TW3 as close as we expect them to, but I won't hold by breath that the same shit will happen to Dragon Age 3.

This is heartbreaking, and yet the parents have found strength in it. That is an amazing reaction.

You got flamed enough, but seriously, how would you even know what xzelda3 went through? How insensitive you are.

Is this for real? I have noticed on Google Earth that the same goes for South Korean homes, and other buildings in general. Actually, China, Japan, Taiwan all seem to have the blue roof thing going on. I've searched this but I get different explanations.

Dude, it's not the same, clearly one is red the other is blue! Geez, get of the Supreme Commander's back! The man successfully created a worker's utopia!

Isn't that taking it a little off course though? I mean I could then say that you're right, but then there's a third ribbon that's also missing which was actually green. Woody's hat has the brown ribbon, and Andy's hat seems to have a ribbon of very similar colour to brown. I looked at other shots and yes, it

But it's not the same hat at all! Andy's hat doesn't have the white ribbon (the ribbon on the hat he's wearing is brown). So...or did I read your explanation incorrectly?

OK, so this is a miss. Not buying it. Moving on. What's the next "big title" we're all waiting for?

I want to play this game sooooo bad, but every time I start it up, either something else pulls me away from playing it or I lose interest, generally around the same point in the game. Is it a good game? Does it get better the more you play?

I think we had an intelligent discourse. Better than not to have one!

But the Canadian government isn't out there silencing the struggles and lives of the aboriginal peoples. No laws are being passed that makes it illegal for them to talk with our children about their struggles and how they were/are treated . We're also not pretending like they don't exist, or like mistakes have not

I'm sorry I still don't see the parallels. We're not "punishing" Russia for its progrom of yesteryear, but rather for what they're doing now; and where their hate-laws will lead. If we were all up in arms today and calling for the Sochi Olympics to be boycotted over the Odessa progroms, or the Cantonist Decrees of

I get the context, but to compare the treatment of aboriginals in Canada to the systematic hate laws of Russia against a very specific group of citizens is a little off, don't you think? Canada has recognized its errors of the past, but we can't change history, but Russia is doing this now. In fact, the worst is yet

Absolutely ridiculous if you honestly believe that it's about time constraints. There were dozens of parts during the ceremony that could (and should) have been cut out, but to edit out a very important part of a very important speech by the most important person of the IOC is clearly not an issue of time

I am thoroughly ashamed of myself for kinda finding this hot...

I was here once, and I cherished every single moment of it. Also shall never forget the place I was right before it, and the one I went to after it.

You might have some insider info I'm not privy to, and you're right, you never know what sort of bad decision leads to another bad decision, until it's nearly impossible to reverse course, but, Nintendo isn't like a typical company - they have a very narrow focus, and thus have the benefit of quickly making course