Alex Gollner

The World's Angriest Boy was sent to the Astral Plane. He was then The World's Angriest Boy in the Astral Plane. When he returned he was 'The World's Angriest Boy' in The World

I was hoping for some 'Romeo + Juliet' action from "Hot Fuzz"

That's my point. One of the greatest lines in NuWho was 'The Tardis' telling us what it feels like being (in) a human: "So much bigger on the inside"

You're right about subverting people's expectations, you like the idea of doing it later in the plot.

"We want to show how dangerous it is to start turning into the Doctor, so let's kill the companion!" "What about a plot that stands on it's own?" "People will be thinking about that death so much, we don't have to come up with much."

Where did she hear enough about the Doctor to analyse him accurately? From the Doctor during the 'pages then out of the diary' period of her life.

How about this: Clara and the Doctor meet another capable hero who is well known for saving the day but at the end of an episode cliffhanger the hero lets Clara die to save many more others. When we come back expecting a twist to rescue her - as in episode 2 of this series - it turns out she really is dead. The more

This goes towards the idea that Clara is the next regeneration of the Doctor. Due to "wiped memory shenanigans" (c.f Professor Yana) she is being trained up to understand what it is to be the Doctor. First learning about all the previous incarnations, then practical lessons… Interesting news for Mr. Pink.

The older the voice, the better - more like a bear guru than a bear kid. If they want to get closer to the Michael Horden voice they had with the animated series, I'd suggest Jim Broadbent.

For a moment at the start I thought the Cortexifan Quakers were turning into Observers. Part of DRJ's plan to evolve humanity to the next level.