
Yeah it’s PERFECT.

with Stage 5 looking like it’d be the biggest challenge.

Even the close up shot...

Wait the head is totally fake? Holy junk.

not a cent off me.

Honestly that’s what excites me most. Finally a Nintendo portable that’s powerful

powerful to run the new zelda game better than the wii u can. for a portable device, thats pretty damn impressive.

I think Nintendo saw this picture and decided to run with the idea.....

Not really a fair comparison. The industry was a very different place back then.

Color me intrigued. I like the idea behind being able to easily dock and undock a console into my big screen and take it with it me. As always though, it’ll come down to the launch library and overall usability/polish of the system. Let’s hope this console is more of a “Super Nintendo” than a “Wii.”

I've sworn off it until it's fixed.

Except that one religion who’s believers turn very violent if you parody their religion...


Ya man. By this guys logic and your logic, let’s get rid of every single thing that offends every single person and stop thinking about ourselves. Do you not comprehend how unbelievably naive that is?

The cost is really going to have to come down for me to buy in (and possibly others) VR seems interesting but the headsets almost cost as much as a console it seems like

Or perhaps 10 years from now we might look back your comment and be amazed at how much both technology and people’s mindset change over time.

I get what you’re saying, but I actually look at in a completely different way. Having gone from an original 3DS to the New 3DS, the new is so much better than the original in every way - I can actually use the 3D for any length of time without getting sick, it’s so much faster with the extra cpu power (I can actually

It’s almost like technology evolves faster than any one person can keep up with it. Like cars or phones or PCs or TVs or everything else. Weird.

Until VR headsets are just a peripheral and ideally one I can connect to both my PC and my PS4 I’m holding off.

Like I’ve always said, take anything Palmer Luckey says with a block of salt. Ever since Zuckerburg gave him a pot of gold, everything he says is pretty much straight up BS.

and to think people were expecting Facebook to do the right thing with Oculus.