
I've always felt like Pokémon would be extremely scary looking if made to look realistic. Ones that would likely me out the most...

Why does Greek life even exist still? It serves no purpose other than to undo all the personal growth a college student goes through. They don't need it.

This is why Consent laws need to be circumstance based and not age based.

The poor guy who gets backed up into by the RV. Never had a chance. Also LOL at the cop who just starts shooting people.

I don't understand why teams don't run more fly sweep/fake fly sweep motion near the goal line, you basically remove 1-2 defenders just by having a guy move across the formation.

This and the Miami-FIU brawl are probably the two most infamous moments of athletes behaving badly during watching career. Also the Canada-Mexico baseball fight. Wonder how those stack up historically.

My first decent amount of exposure to RG3 was when I watched Illinois dismantle Baylor in the Texas Bowl back in 2011 I think?. It was great, watching him play the role of hot garbage. He threw a bubble screen that his receiver dropped and Illinois returned it like 40 yards. He made the tackle and got all up in the

I assume they basically had to build the game from the bottom up... Os that correct? It's not like Halo remakes where you can touch up textures. You're basically going from 16 bit to high res?

The toy is so realistic, it even has the one instance of battle damage on his chest. Seriously, the guy basically blows himself up multiple times a game and has a little burn mark? What the hell?

Other than the helmet this is in my opinion the best looking armor in the game.

Glad this is happening. I don't think I will play it though. I go to tears every time Ash lets Butterfree go, and I do NOT think that I would last 5 minutes with this.

It's worth knowing how to defend yourself(whether you're a man or a woman). I don't know if kicking someone in the groin is going to always enough but it's a start.

I just feel like using emoticons is kind of lame. I believe it can make it so a person is less likely to take you seriously. They worked in my high school days chatting up girls on AIM, but those days are long gone.

Funny, but nowhere near as awkward as two different players ending their seasons by getting hurt while celebrating meaningless plays.

That's actually fairly close to what I normally open with, minus the friend-zone smiley. I usually add a little blurb that shows I at least read their profile(or tried to, some of them are kind of scary).

Another game lost to the Hype.

So by making a site to help women date, he's actually making a site to help guys date with these sweet templates???

This feels more like a creep shaming video than a "social experiment" and I'm kind of OK with that.

When asked if he had a Chip on his shoulder Sanchez replied, "No, he always coaches face to face."

As a Bears fan, this is absolutely embarrassing. No that's not a pun. I always thought we had the classy yet not really bright blue collar fans. Oh wait, tickets are 10 trillion dollars and some drunk girls who wear the opposing team's jerseys just to get attention are ALWAYS in front of me. Why do I even watch