Extremely Jeff Bridges face
“Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.
This is the face I’ll be holding throughout my sister’s Catholic wedding as I sit with my ultra-right-wing extended family without my partner because we just don’t want to create any drama on my sister’s special day now do we.
I feel like this is a unused promotion photo for “Get Out”
My dad was reading her takedowns of them. He was laughing at how she handled them.
I saw her clapback at someone who was pissed at her for being vocal against Trump. The woman said something to effect that she was going to throw her HP books away or burn them, and JKR was like, “ that’s fine. I already got your money. Byeeeeee!”
Jk Rowling rocks. She has been vocal in the criticism of you know who.
Fine, I’m confident in my reasoning.
Like I said, we’ll have to agree to disagree. I have not the time, the patience or the inclination to go through a whole nitpicky debate class discussion with an internet stranger about this.
What separates your example from the Trump situation:
Your example isn’t remotely similar to what’s going on here.
Just because something happens to affect people of certain races more than others does not make it targeted at those races because of race
its alternative bullshit though - bisonshit.
I’m very happy to have raised awareness
By putting her back on the air all they are doing is validating alternative facts. They should blacklist her if she lacks credibility. I believe the colloquialism is, “Don’t feed the troll.”
Goddam. This lady has all the balls in Washington.