
I know a play you would love. It’s called Erasmus Montanus and is by Ludvig Holberg. It’s about a contrarian who returns home after his studies in the capital to make a lot of arguments of and from ignorance. Among them, and one I am sure you’d love, is when he “proves” that his mother is a rock. It goes like this:

The transphobics kind of crack me up. They probably can’t even have sex without worrying that the vagina they’re in may have at one point in time been a dick. If they weren’t violent, it would be fucking hilarious. That’s assuming they ever have sex, which is one hell of an assumption.

Sending it and hoping for karmatic returns for all the transphobia I’ve apparentlyv incurred (i am just: D I S M I S S)  

To the transphobic trolls asking:

Whaaaat?!? Idk where to start.

Thanks for the heads up. I won’t even with them. They spend so much time reliving and recounting their grudges and their damaged feelings. They can say whatever they like about me cause “You know you that bitch when you cause all that conversation.” They don’t know how to deal with their rage IRL so they direct it at

That did occur to me, just because something seems so off about the level of outrage focused on a single celebrity when cultural appropriation is so insanely widespread. I mean, yes, that music video was all sorts of problematic, but it was one video; Miley Cyrus made a whole album based on a curated caricature of

When I said that most of her actions were insensitive but not aggressive or malicious, I didn’t mean that they weren’t harmful; I meant that they weren’t motivated by intent to do harm. I know lack of harmful intent is often used as an excuse for casual racism, and I don’t mean to excuse her actions, but I think it’s’s particularly egregious because of THE BLACK.

You keep insisting it was never malicious or aggressive. To whom? To YOU? Are you asian?

I feel like I’m missing something here.

Yikes, that’s an awfully harsh judgment. I’ve done some googling, and from what I can tell, here are the sum total of Rihanna’s offenses against Asians: