
Wonderful fucking timing Lockheed!! I just purchased a SR-71 last month! You know what, fuck the 72. I’m just going to wait for the 73.

It’s all fun and games until I’m buying a used one that says “Happy Graduation Princess”

He smokes like a chimney, drinks like a fish, and doesn’t exercise. I’m always amazed when I remember he’s only 57. He looks like shit.

If I had to die, being blown to death would pretty much be at the top of my list.

If it makes you smile.

I think we can all agree that this is an instance where dealing with the guy with extreme force was perfectly justified. I’m guessing ‘road rage.

Why the fuck are you watching Uruguayan Premier Division when the US is playing in the Gold Cup?

That’s a tomato

The glowing eyes makes that look like some eerie creature being flung back down into the abyss from which it came


Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

Maybe Hamster needs to start covering politics or something less...motorized.

I love a breakfast pork chop.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and just say I’m confident a 30 times Pulitzer prize winning publication is not losing sleep over kids with webcams.

Ace Combat is still one of the best (if not the only really successful) aeroplane games in the world....

Annoying as heck!.

It wouldn’t be a GM without blank buttons

Cars with easter eggs which aren’t hidden rust spots...

Dejadme poner el disfraz de salel y coger mi libreta de apuntes.