
I guess where we differ is you seem to be against us having at least a modicum of unassailable privacy, and I am for being able to completely secure my data from the government if I so choose.

On the advice of counsel, you should have respectfully exercised your fifth amendment right and declined to publish that comment. It’s so ignorant of the law and the brief that it may tend to make you look not smart.

if Trump wins the election, we will be moving from Chicago to Vancouver

I don’t pretend to know the legal mumbo-jumbo here, but it seems as if Apple (and the other companies backing Apple) have a strong case here and if the courts rule against Apple, we might as well just stop caring because...

Here's the thing: The information is already out there, regardless of whether or not Lifehacker spreads it or not. Pandora's box has been opened. You can't make people "un-know" this information, and the people that were doing this before will do it again. Putting the information here is an informative process, and