Maybe you'll make sense when you type reply #9, retard.
On its face, yes it's laughable that that's the main point of contention in this thread, but manipulating a seizing body is something you absolutely should NOT do. Kicking someone in the head like that should also not be considered a sporting event in any way shape or form, and I think you and I may be in the minority…
I know what mongoloid means, and also know that it has more than one meaning. Another meaning for it is someone who is mentally insufficient, and you fit that criteria perfectly with your pedantry and poor grammar. So, do us all a favor and take your double digit IQ and your closet full of TAPOUT t-shirts to another…
please tell me where race was mentioned in my comment, and relax with using racist, ignorant, and bigot all in one two line comment, especially when none of them are applicable.
yes, I hate boxing, and no, it is not more dangerous than MMA.
the fact that people piss and moan about the dangers of the NFL 24/7 when THIS is a sport, just pure barbarism. Mongoloid sport for mongoloid fans.
Ray Lewis blathering about this on ESPN in 3, 2, 1....
What the fuck is the problem with you people now? Why can't we be happy that a girl that doesn't way 105 lb gets in? One step at a time, social justice warriors, goddamnit.
Maybe there was a third play caller, somewhere down the grassy field, perhaps...
The first two sentences paired together make literally zero sense.
I don't know if any of y'all watch Always Sunny, but if you do, why do you think they've never won an award? It's the hardest I've ever consistently laughed watching a cable TV comedy since Seinfeld.
if you close your eyes while playing you guys' SB commercial it sounds like/reminds me of Frank Reynolds and the witch lady at the end of Lethal Weapon 5 Part II.
I love all these sour grapes idiots clutching for the last few pearls left on the strand with all of their deranged might.
"Waaah my team was favored by 14 pts in the Super Bowl and choked it away, but I'll blame it on the Pats allegedly doing something that wasn't illegal instead!" -Rams fans
This guy seems to have a great built-in lie detector/moral compass. I bet when people tried to scam him out of every dollar he ever made while playing during his NFL he said the same exact thing.
6/10. No mention of Benghazi, no caps lock, no excessive exclamation points.
Dear Colts,
I don't feel like typing an essay in the comments of a Deadspin blog, but please believe me that inflation and future cash flow uncertainty are absolutely relevant.
Not true. The possibility for uncertainty and the cash flow timeline has to be accounted for!