Aleks Jaksonov

Team no one

Yes, actually, they are. So go check your facts before you get pretentious. I know that's hard for you soccer fans.

I love when soccer fans call out the NFL for poor concussion protocol. You know, the sport that probably still doesn't collectively know what a concussion is. Fucking idiocy.

Hot takes that are incredibly stupid: "Fuck Kevin Durant"

I agree 100%. But it's not like he's taking it and plagiarizing it or peddling off as his creative property. He's just either spoofing it or using it as content for his show, which is why I think the comment (nay, NEW BETTER HEADLINE!!!!11) that I originally replied to is useless, un-creative, and the low hanging

Commenter Who Is Ripping Off Funnier Commenters Comments And Continues To Beat The Hell Out Of A Dead Horse Upset That Tosh Supposedly Rips Off Other Peoples Content And Is Upset About ESPN Ripping Off His Content

Simmons is such a weird employee. He's a big dog that acts like a little dog that wants to be a big dog.

Deadspin lately:

I'm not saying he isn't a very good player. But Rob Gronkowski is a once in a generation talent. He is a better blocker, pass catcher, and him and Kelce are equally devastating in the open field in their own different ways. The only comparison that can reasonably be made between them is on an Excel spreadsheet or at

Cool I'll remember that in the future!

Yes, I read the article. I'm also allowed to formulate my own opinion. Am I supposed to accept everything on here as fact? That's boring and useless.

Comparing Travis Kelce to Rob Gronkowski is literally laughable. Compare him to Graham/Thomas? Sure, maybe.

I hope he wins another National Championship and then just flips the double bird on the podium and drops out of school on the spot.

Soccer fans are Neanderthals.

Wow! This really needed a caution at the beginning telling me how how the sports takes were gonna be. I think I singed my eyebrows!

Hey Clayton Kershaw, take notes bro. That's how you're supposed to pitch in the playoffs.

A co worker that knew I had an old dog asked if I feed her gluten-free dog food. I was legitimately baffled. Gluten-free dog food for a 13 year old dog. If your dog lives to be 13, feed him/her whatever the hell they want!

If one of you pedantic douchebags even thinks of making a Cardinals fan joke... Just GFY in advance of it.

Seriously...? Delete that fucking top comment.

I've been waiting for the Air Polanski's since 1977.