Aleksandr Strizhevskiy

I completely agree with you Pinno. I have been watching this show for years and I really enjoy it, but it seems the show runners have been running out of ideas. Its woes are absolutely due to the writing. Who cares about a time slot anymore in the 2010s? You have downloads, online streaming, Video on Demand. It

I dont think we should over value that exosuit scene. It wasnt a person in a suit vs a person out of a suit. The thing was probably on "standby" and they were just having fun. I like to think of the John Henry folktale. Man beat machine but he died, the machine just gets refueled and goes back in service the next day.

Yeah i agree. Honestly I dont like the character too much but I think the actor does a good job. He really stood out to me when he is alone with the spy in Season 1 and tells him about the churn. He had the same tone and expressions speaking with Miller. This sort of matter of fact "thats how it is, I dont make the

Hey thanks for that. Did some time in the Army and we generally dont phrase things that way but different branches have different ways of communicating.

This planet went from about 1 billion to about 9 billion in two centuries.

Yes I have. Iraq and Afghanistan. Sure we have body armor and other gear and you get worn out carrying it around all day. But their exoskeletons are supposed to support all that weight for them.

Ok yeah, I give. You're probably right. But Im still on the Martian's side on this. State on State I think Earth has the upper hand based on numbers (like they said in the show) but a Martian soldier sweeping a corridor against an Earth soldier sweeping the same corridor from the opposite side…the Martian's superior

Well insubordination would be if she refused to carry out orders. Shes mouthy but I wouldnt even say she is disrespectful. The orders dont come from her superior they come from the state. She is just venting her frustration and he is there to say "well suck it up, thats how it is." He tolerates it likely because when

I was in the military (Army) and there is a ton of bitching. Sure, she is a senior NCO and her bitching should be at a minimum but: a) She never does it in front of soldiers b) Her bitching is "But sir, I want to go kill people" which is the kind of complaints you want to hear from your Marines. (Full disclosure: I

I didnt read the books so I have no basis to compare to. As a TV viewer I really enjoy her character. I watched that Martian chant like 10 times. I thought her delivery was perfect. It put me on the edge of my seat when I was watching it. I think she does a great job at depicting Martian patriotism. Last season that

I didnt read the books and it still made perfect sense to me. I understood what was happening, I even thought Dresden was being charismatic enough. I was sold.

The "watching Gunny and her squad" bit made me cringe. Its as if that was her name. Wasnt a Marine but Im certain that phrase just doesnt work. She is "the gunny" (gunnery sergeant) but you would not say it like that. You wouldnt say "watching sergeant and her squad" or "watching major and her unit". You could

That would matter if wars were fought by seeing who can throw the opposition the furthest.

In her defense they did say the Martians train at 1g. Average Earth Joe doesnt train at 1g, he sits on his ass and eats Fritos.

Ford seems to have created a very neat little loop. In it he gets Bernard to kill Teresa and Elsie and when Stubbs starts getting close Bernard kills himself in cold storage. To investigators it will look like Bernard was an out of control employee (as long as they don't check his insides too deeply).

You get all the internet points!

I see a potential for a Gavin&Richard duo after both find themselves fired. Would be an interesting story arc to explore.