I’ll vote with my labia if it means wrapping it around that hot lever
I’ll vote with my labia if it means wrapping it around that hot lever
ok, I am going to admit that he is HOT and if he wants me to vote for Hillary I would.
Imagine the good it could do a struggling DC neighborhood if [Obama] moved in and established himself as the figurehead of the community, showing his face at local spots and bringing a sense of excitement.
It seems perfect to me. Large, beautiful, secure. Two term president, a very good one, deserves a nice house.
Honestly, did other presidents get judged for where they moved after they were done?
So she’s saying the rich black family shouldn’t live in a nice neighborhood?
I ctrl+f’ed, wrote “Volvo”, found nothing, left satisfied.
Because they’re frat boys.
Oh, it’s completely a reflection of your core values, guys. You value being spoiled little shits who leave behind mountains of food and shelter that many human beings would love to have, in a giant mess that despoils the entire lake, for others to clean up. That’s what you value, not having to care about anything.
Oh man, I can’t believe it took this long for this to surface!
never have I encountered a pursuit of orgasm that seems so completely exhausting as this.
Yeah, that was “holy shit fuck no” territory. Got no issue with people’s private kinks (shit, I domme a guy who is into this soooo) but that is fucking disgusting and I would have a hard time not resorting to fisticuffs if some jackass stranger or coworker “nipped” my shirt. Boundaries, learn them.
Far be it from me to tell consenting adults what to do, but whenever I read about stuff like this I always wonder, how do you discover that this is your kink? Do you see dogs and think, ‘that looks chill’? Because I don’t have a kink (yet) and if I am missing out on something I want to know.
yeah, don’t force other people to participate in your kink
“Even when I worked in PC World I would sometimes walk up to people and nip at their shirt. I got in trouble once; someone walked into the PC repair centre and I had part of their dad’s computer in my mouth. But the other staff knew I was like that to everyone. They didn’t find it weird.”
So, I’m not one to rag on someone’s kink or anything but that photo will haunt my nightmares forever.