
Tanning lotion? Raven shouldn't speak about hair.

Omfg. This was 1971. Jesus, look at your own parent’s pics and you will see the same or worse. Enough!

Who is kissing him from behind?

What MSNBC show was this from? From the vid, I couldn't determine what show it was from.

Freestyle was the shit when I lived in Miami in the 80's. Trinere and Expose were just two favorites. I have a Freestyle channel on pandora.

After you kind sir/Madame.

Happy to hear that!

Does it have to be a milf? What about a dilf?

What is this from?

Or a prisoner who has a teardrop for each person they've killed.

I see it now. Thanks!

Where is it? I am confused.

My deepest condolences to your family.

That’s so sweet. When my mom was still here, that was my Mother’s Day gift to her and we'd shop for whatever flowers she wanted to plant. Such beautiful memories of that special day just for her.

Watch your dog or cat while it's outside.

Your pussy is adorable. 👍

She made her bed, and has to sleep in it. I have no sympathy for her. This is most likely to get even more ratings/ratings.

Are you sure the victim is 60? Sandusky is 72. That would be a difference of 12 years.

The widow maker is named for a reason. Glad you are doing well and continue to do so!

I hardly believe she's a billionaire, but don't hate on her.