
I do the opposite. Get a knife and scrape off the frosting, then eat the cake. I absolutely abhor frosting unless it is homemade.

FALSE, Jesus Christ rode on the dinosaurs with GUNS (automatic by the way) so they had it figured out way before they went extinct.

Yes almost every email interface looks the same because there are literarily only three efficient ways to display emails known to man. That's like saying Google copied Yahoo's design and Yahoo copied who ever came before them.

I was justing going to post this. I haven't use real keys so rarely that I don't know what way to turn them so I look stupid with people. I keep them on me just in case though.

Not unless you are heavily invested in DRMed iTunes content. Some might say airplay but to me it just seems like a novelty in most situations. Airplay would be nice for like presentations with projectors but I don't really see myself using it at home.

Because Google is not a huge corporation that sometimes does not-so-ethical things.

For me I don't mind what host you use but I do look down on people who have silly usernames like "jrsnake007@..." instead of "jake.roberts@...". It think it's justified as that is simply unprofessional. Personally I love the gmail interface but any short combination of my name was taken so I just got my own domain


This looks suspiciously like something Aperture Laboratories would make... SPACE

Are you really surprised?

The young are so innocent.

They do with most other products, but not in marketing materials. Like the iPod Touches are called "iPod Touch Generation 3" and MacBooks are "Macbook Pro, mid 2012".

There are/were other eater eggs under Steve Jobs. Almost every icon that looks like it has writing on it when you zoom in on it actually has the "Think Different" speech. Aslo when there is a Windows PC on your network the icon has the BSoD on it.

cool story, bro

What about FOX the normal tv channel and not the crazy news one, huh? They have a bunch of great shows ranging from Fringe to House to Glee to Family Guy. None of them are political.

I love the content on the roku but the menu GUI is ass ugly. It looks lie a cable company designed it in 1995. The physical box on the other hand is nice and modern.

I was at the beach last weekend and I left my iPhone/iPad/iPod accidentally in the car. I was unplugged for like 4 hours. It was CRAZY.

A very strange land indeed. Gawker caters to the US though so yah, YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE WORLD.


"most people have a Symbian based phone around home" What strange land do you live in?