
This is where I would think a right-elbow to the face is completely acceptable.

I was impressed by Jacob’s and his ability to stay on the game plan. There were 2 times he got off the game plan and one basically lost him the fight when GGG knocked him down and the other was probably one clean shot from another and a possible stoppage.

“Correction: second American.” - Abby Wambach

Some people have no choice what name they were given.

“These people have awful names.”

MLS has many problems, but attendance isn’t one of them. It’s one of the 10 best attended soccer/football leagues in the world and the 3rd best attended league overall in the US after the NFL and MLB.

FOH with that, they were both clearly intentional.

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

Such a heartening sign when the future attorney-general lies under oath.

We get it, you’re a Trump supporter mad that they are coming for your “commander in chief”. Calm down.

Are you literally more mad at Jalopnik than the president who got that veteran killed?

3,000 for the alleged THEFT OF A GODDAMN BACKPACK.

Fuck Trump. Can’t wait until my contract is up in 14 months, so I can run for the fucking hills....That is if I don’t die on some damned foolish Crusade during this Kuwait deployment I leave for tomorrow.😂

I can say from a rather short experience that solitary confinement is torture in every way but name.

I was picked up on an outstanding warrant, having just left a rehab facility for a variety of issues (drug and alcohol abuse, major depressive disorder, etc.), and was taken to my local jail. I was in an already

His story hit me the hardest watching the 13th. His life was stolen from him and from his mother. Even if he did steal the backpack (which he didn’t), how can anyone say that crime justifies three years in solitary confinement?  


It was Trayvon Martin who really forced me to confront race in America. I remember seeing how his character was assassinated by Fox News and other right wing outlets and thinking, “he was seventeen. He’s a menace to society because he smoked pot and got into a fight? In that case I was Al fucking Capone.”