Cool story bro.
Cool story bro.
No one gives a shit what you want to read or where you’re going.
I think this is time for the long con. We need some comedian, any comedian to be willing to kiss Cheetolini’s ass for a few months, get invited to the WHCD and then just rip him a new one.
My hope is that Sam’s Dinner gets more media coverage, viewership, and star-studded attendance.
demand was higher due to the scarcity of cabs, so instead of doing the logical capitalist thing and raising prices to meet demand, they lowered prices to undercut the effect of the strike.
I had a cabbie once who spent the whole ride to the airport telling me all the details of the escort service he ran on the side. I was 12. You definitely don’t get that with Uber.
It’s been fascinating to see how the sports world’s sharpest political discourse has come from NBA coaches. Steve…
I had a cabbie once that had a ferret on his passenger seat. He was feeding it pieces of a rotisserie chicken. You don’t get that with Uber. Fuck Uber
“Because they have no union. They are not organized. And therefore they are at the mercy of their company.”
This is fucking chilling, since this is in the presence of dozens of news cameras and the police are still acting this way.
The mentality of people who want to become cops: because they get to bully people.
Yes, it does. A court order for a stay supersedes the executive order. That is how we have checks and balances: by executive orders, or laws making their way through the court to determine if they are lawful and constitutional.
Not the mention the police attacking non-violent protesters without provocation. (This was SeaTac where just a few hours earlier the Governor and Seattle Council members supported the protests.)
starred for Rice Pilaf. I can’t with that.
Rice Pilaf was on Meet The Press this morning and he kept repeating that these 7 countries were named by the Obama admin as the most dangerous to the US (because Obama wanted this ban too, obvs) and when asked why Saudia Arabia wasn’t on the list, re: 9/11, he said ‘maybe they will be down the road, who knows, and…
Reince Preibus was on Face the Nation this morning and was talking about how this policy was “to prevent another San Bernandino, and that was committed by someone here on a K-1 Spousal Visa”. John Dickerson replied by saying somehitng along the lines of “That was committed by a US citizen and a woman who was born in…
This is the most Canadian photograph in history
Apparently, Trump’s team drafted the executive order without any consultations with the Department of Justice and other federal departments directly effected by it. They don’t even know who wrote it. Everyone from top ranking officials to customs agents at airports were freaking out because they had no notice of this…
They appreciate it. As someone who pays her bills through an ACLU salary, I thank you all deeply. The ACLU is very good people and they are going to be tireless the next 4 years.
“...I was disappointed to see Theresa May, our unelected Prime Minister refuse to condemn this policy...”