
This is Peak Haisley...

Soon the Cylons will launch their nuclear holocaust and the survivors will end up with Betsy DeVos as their President Roslin. God bless those souls if they can make it an hour.

If anyone is ever going to burn a flag, it shouldn’t be the American Flag it should be the Confederate flag. It symbolizes the worst of America.

be sure to remember those that remained silent too.

GOP are vicious, manipulative politicians while Democrats are too idealistic and have styrofoam for spines.

Nothing clever, but that word would now be Trump.

I hope he moves to Kenya and converts to Islam... at least for a week.

I knew from watching the GOP clown car stuttering about, I knew since Trump became their #1 frat bro, I knew between Clinton vs Sanders.... Maybe Kasich. Definitely would have considered Mitt Romney had he ran and won the nom. But Clinton was the only sensible candidate available.

hahahaha my fault for not viewing it from their perspective. they’re brilliant.

I understand that Capitalism can be both amazing and awful. The government can and should stand as the check to corporations while also cooperating with them to create solutions for Everyone’s benefit. The world economy is constantly changing and the scapegoating and solutions by the GOP are not going to help. As

I didn’t mention the Dems... I’m talking specifically about the economic policy the GOP preach which is flawed.

problem is that cutting taxes will lead to the deficit to explode, slashing regulations will awful for the poor and average person not on a Forbes list, and giving more power to corporations will lead them to push wages lower with less benefits in the name of competitiveness while they shift money to higher growth

this is absolutely not what liberals should do. The military is already pretty conservative. Less liberals joining as more conservatives join for Trump is dangerous.

I’m almost at that point but then I remember, shit these fucks will be fucking over me, my family and everyone else that wanted no part in their stupidity.

No. Anyone even entertaining the thought of seceding is a moron. The country and the states are as successful as they are because of the Union. Each state/region would need its own military, border patrol, currency and more. There would likely be plenty of border skirmishes and hostilities that would affect the

well its not that far fetched to believe. He was on video in front of a committee complaining about how some casino owners didn’t look indian enough.

Quick correction. He’s no Judas, He probably correlates more with the Anti-Christ. Look at how all those so called Christians that voted for him and practically view him as their saviour aka false prophet.

Now playing

Here’s a time lapse of the inauguration.

Too bad no one put forward a charity concert for the same time as the inauguration. Trump’s blood would boil with something like that getting bigger attention and ratings. Oh well.

what was the reaction from Republicans? That would be key to gauge how serious this might be.