
Gosh darnit I REALLY LIKED Fenyx Rising. It had heart, color and fun challenge. I have no interest in Assassin’s Creed by contrast.

A better translation would be “Crud” since you can say that in a saturday morning cartoon.

I tried pre-ordering Soul Hackers 2 at my local Gamestop and they said I couldn’t. Later I tried to buy Valkyrie Elysium on launch day and they said I couldn’t because I didn’t preorder.

I feel like I’m gonna need to defend her until the end of time.

The fact that they’re seemingly taking the story seriously is honestly hilarious to me. I haven’t seen a single cutscene I haven’t pointed and laughed at.

It actually did sell decently. EA, the publisher, was even happy with it. And back then publishers where notoriously hard to please because everyone was chasing Call of Duty numbers.

Timesplitters was basically my favorite FPS series during the PS2/GCN days. Absolutely elated to hear that we might be finally getting a new one.

I’m VERY GLAD they allow full remapping of controls (More games should do this in general) but there are a few kinks in the system, the big one being that sprint and dodge are the same button. I want dodge on my PS4's O button, but that makes sprinting on foot awkward and sprinting on horses impossible since O seems

I do like how this hasn’t stopped the series itself from letting you fight side-by-side with a badass granny.

Wow, reminds me of the day 1 Dark Souls PC fan patch. Doubt not the dedication of the pokefan I suppose.

I like her, hope she makes a decent boss fight.

Never understood why mangaka are expected to be both all the time. Sure, some manage it, but Bleach is a perfect example of how it can fall apart. Although I’d argue the writing was pretty great at first... It just ran out of steam.

I was really excited for Dynasty Warriors 9 but then I learned they where going to take the historical event of Zhang Fei kidnapping a 13 year old girl to be his wife and spinning it into an actual romance. Ergh.

Pfft, Cody and Jessica broke up in like, 1998 or something. Poison’s his love interest now.

Man, there are going to be some gems that burn out without any notice whatsoever in the WiiWare store, somewhere.

You try wearing it. You have any idea how much it would CHAFE!?