So who’s going to be the scapegoat for Cardinals fans? My money is on Dexter Fowler, former Cub and admitted person of color.
So who’s going to be the scapegoat for Cardinals fans? My money is on Dexter Fowler, former Cub and admitted person of color.
This font’s italics don’t slant far enough to the right to emphasize what pure chaos this might be!
Brack’s statement concerning Blitzchung’s statements “having had nothing to do with their decision” is about as full of shit as it gets. They absolutely kowtowed to China, and now they’re trying to reverse course amidst a firestorm of pushback.
Here’s the thing: corporations absolutely have the right to associate…
It’s more complex than that. As Mike Rosewater wrote, everyone likes winning, but for Timmy and Johnnies the reason for playing MTG is the experience of it, not of winning. Timmies like big things because it’s fun to play the big thing, not because it’s fun to win with it.
They’re all one guy? Dayyum, he’s got range.
I wish the narrators of Supergiant Games’ games, especially Bastion’s, would do audio books. I’d pay good money for that gravelly, soothing voice reading... pretty much anything to me.
AsaTJ on reddit for the latter. The “What They Actually Mean” series is definitely not for beginners, but for veterans, it’s both funny *and* more informative. The guy is very good at contextualizing the patch notes while also making jokes.
No CEO gives one shit about their employees going out of work. Believing that they do is no different than thinking companies actually have core values they aspire to beyond ‘profit’.
Also I loved Brent asking after “Mexican William” and “White Guillermo.” “William” and “Guillermo” are like “Peter” and “Pedro” in terms of name equivalencies.
This was fascinating and illuminating. Glad Deadspin is sticking so closely to sports like this.
+1 Alderaan being blown up by the Death Star
And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.
Proposing a ballot measure that if Miami goes 0-16 no member of the 1972 Dolphins can ever drink another drop of champagne.
Hell, my doctoral regalia is red
“Encyclopedic knowledge of Greek philosophy. Tits not great.”
Trump: “Wait a minute. No president has done what I’ve done.”
forget the future, they haven’t been a Modell franchise since 1996
only the best sports content here at deadspin dot com
Nashville is the spiritual home of every suburban girl who claims to be “country at heart” because she owns cowboy boots and her parents are racist.
I feel like that whole “No depictions of him ever or woe unto you” thing probably hurts Muhammad in the fame department vs. Jesus who, say what you will, knew how to brand.