Fuck. Well, I can’t say I didn’t see the writing on the wall with this one. I’m curious to see where you land, sounds like you’ll be focusing on that gaming industry beat you do so brilliantly.
Fuck. Well, I can’t say I didn’t see the writing on the wall with this one. I’m curious to see where you land, sounds like you’ll be focusing on that gaming industry beat you do so brilliantly.
Yeah, this is how Liberty eats it. Not years of voter suppression. Not the highest prison population in the world. Not the relentless glorification of our military, or the constant expansion of executive power. And definitely not a president that openly worships authoritarians and has stated that his authority is…
I have a number of problems with this article:
Jason Torchinsky, you are a raging psychopath.
Sometimes you do have to pick between two evils, but whoever told you the US will never be a progressive country has their head up their ass. It’s defeatist and it’s not true. The last 50 years have seen Republicans and Democrats alike roll back the progressive reforms that built a robust 20th century economy in the…
Weirdly I think you're being too charitable. I just think he's a douchebag.
South Korea is a democracy, so it’s hardly like they declared martial law. They just reacted faster and more effectively because they have a more functional national government and healthcare system.
It was a reference to the best fighting game released in 2016: Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel.
I don’t know from DBFZ, but it has been widely acknowledged on this site (and everywhere, really) that Nintendo’s online strategy is determined by a man that Nintendo cruelly imprisoned in 1997 and only released after a decade of solitude. It is an ecosystem crafted by a man tortured into madness who has never heard…
The feature was still present at the time of the customer's purchase. The feature was removed when he subsequently updated the vehicle's software.
And yet I still feel bad having spent $60 on it at launch. Roster size isn't an insignificant consideration, but 11 isn't so low of a number that I'm troubled by it if the rest of the package is there.
In what conceivable fashion was this not an assassination? A state of war does not exist between Iran and the USA, and Soleimani was a general in the Iranian military. The sole fig leaf of legality, that we unilaterally declared the IRGC a terrorist organization, is pure nonsense.
I don’t think this cultural bias argument holds water. The first implication is that countries with large, highly utilized public transport systems don’t like freedom. I think Swedes, Germans, the Japanese, etc. all like having the freedom to go to locations at times of their choosing.
I watched the original three movies less than 72 hours ago, and I can guarantee that fans of those movies are not in a position to judge the quality of any movie's writing.
I agree that it could have interrogated issues that we don’t discuss enough, but surely there are less recent tragedies that might be mined for that? Allowing 10-20 years or more to pass before taking artistic license with the stories of actual human beings (living or dead) seems like a reasonable ask.
Love that Call of Juarez: Gunslinger made the list. Such a great way to deliver a frame tale in game form. Alpha Protocol also deserves its spot.
I mean, the only thing Pittsburgh really deserves is to be swallowed by the earth, so the headline is unquestionably true. That said, Tomlin seems to have spent 13 years taking a team with an excellent QB (who is also, it must be noted, a colossal shitbag) to just below the top level. I feel like Tomlin consistently…
Woah woah woah, no one calls Rick a “b player” in my presence. That man’s apron game is sooooo strong.
No dig at Pewdiepie is unnecessary. He fucking sucks, and it should be okay to say that about Youtubers who are low-key neo-nazis.
I don’t know how you interpreted potential violations of labor law as not illegal, but it’s right in the above story that the company mis-classified workers as overtime exempt.