
Making murder against the law didn't stop murders, but that's not a good reason to not bother.  The vast majority of guns used in crimes were originally purchased legally, so stopping or at least restricting firearms sales would be a good start.

Well you can't buy Whole Foods branded shit at Wal Mart, and you certainly can't snag a Big Mac from Taco Bell, so maybe get comfortable with the idea that part of competing in the free market is having products other people don't sell.

It's just not a good game, though.  Like, I guess I feel bad, but less about the game dying and more about how all the bullshit Bioware employees went through didn't result in a game worth playing.  Killing it would be a mercy.

I watched it yesterday, and remarked about your latter point to a friend. I don’t necessarily mind that he’s a piece in the game and not the player (so to speak) but I am frustrated by the fact that the movie outright tells you this from the jump. Why not let Idris Elba chew every piece of exploding scenery before

By viewing Ninja’s stream you would be directly benefitting Microsoft, even if you’re not paying money to do so. So if your explicit desire is not to support Epic, you can’t buy their exclusive games, and if you don’t want to support Microsoft, you can’t watch their exclusive streamers. In both scenarios you must not

Why would exclusivity to a store be to spite another platform, instead of the obvious goal of growing market share? Brands don’t have feelings to spite, but they do make or lose money, which is what exclusivity is motivated by. Also, it’s not a violation of “norms” unless the norm is Steam’s near monopoly. EA and

What platform runs Steam but not the Epic Games store?

Marianne Williamson says the right things every once and a while, but she's the embodiment of a stopped clock being right twice a day.  She is on the record with some wildly anti-science nonsense, including anti-vaccine paranoia.  I prefer my presidential candidates to acknowledge observable reality rather than ramble

Do rich white people not eat? Who has room on their kitchen countertops for random empty vases and shit, but not a single appliance, utensil, knife or cooking vessel?

Can I just register my astonishment that Drew, winner of a cooking competition show, keeps his fucking potatoes in the refrigerator?!

If the only system is Medicare, there won't be any need to pay at all for non-elective care, and no doctor will be able to refuse or de-prioritize it.  That's why it's important to move to a fully public system.  Also, a single public system will have absolute leverage in negotiating pricing.

Having been on “both sides” does not exactly make you qualified todetermine if this is acceptable behavior. I wouldn’t ask a man who beats his wife if he thought domestic abuse was acceptable.

I’m not sure what you want to happen here. Management offered a higher pay package that was not accepted by labor. Labor wants more money and for management to assume more burden for employee benefits. Negotiating is how we resolve these discrepancies.  Even in more enlightened economies this is how things go.  From

Man, complaining about "anecdata" before immediately dismissing a problem because you haven't personally experienced it should be some kind of internet misdemeanor.

Also, they're Australian?

Actually, I would assert that spoiler alerts for actual real life are unreasonable.  Jalopnik shouldn't have to cater to the kind of person who would say to themselves "I don't want to know the outcome of the F1 race, because I'm watching it later, instead I will go to my favorite automobile-focused website".

If you don’t want to be “spoiled” then don’t go to a site that covers the race! If I didn’t catch the Wimbledon final I’m sure as hell not heading to ESPN hoping that they don’t mention the result. Sports coverage in general is about timely information and reaction, no one at Deadspin is holding off on a headline that

The difference internally between a USB-C charging port and one with video out is unlikely to be the actual reason for the change. I assume the smaller form factor doesn’t dock well, and Nintendo has unique and virtually unshakeable bad ideas about how things should be done. This is just another in a long line of inexp

By this wildly unreasonable standard you shouldn’t own anything in excess of what you need to survive, as the rest of your earnings should go to the less fortunate. This post of yours was an ethical wrong, because the time and effort you spent on it, however minor, could have been spent on something worthwhile (good

Makes you wish they'd added a healer job rather than Gunbreaker, eh?