Your sister should be in prison.
Your sister should be in prison.
Someone is still fucking paying Blaine Gabbert to play football. Blaine fucking Gabbert! In a just world all Kap’s attorneys would have to do is point out that the Cleveland Browns played all of 2017 without anything resembling an actual football team, much less a quarterback, despite Kap’s availability.
Counterpoint: these stadiums aren't remotely public works projects, the vast majority bring no additional benefit to the municipality they're in. They aren't for public use in the way a park or museum or a set of outdoor basketball courts or the like might be. A pro sports stadium does not fulfill a community…
Western Kentucky University.
Speaking as someone who went to college in Bowling Green, literally no one has ever dropped what they were doing to head to Bowling Green.
Huh? It's a perfectly valid response and it's not even rude. Making a game is making a entertainment product, but it's also making a piece of art. Some pieces are more or less commercial, some developers and publishers are more or less willing to respond to player feedback, but every creator or group of creators…
I live in Europe, where a lot of those jobs are unionized or have similar protections. From experience I can tell you that it’s easily worth it. Can I buy shitty crap on the cheap from a Wal-Mart? No, but stuff isn’t actually that much more expensive, and I never have to consider if my cashier needs government…
The notion that aggression doesn’t solve anything is false on its face. History consistently shows that aggressive action precipitates change. History also shows that change doesn't always happen swiftly or as a result of a singular group or movement. There are myriad examples of groups like Pussy Riot,…
I mean, sure, but only if people going “unfiltered” doesn't violate laws against stock price manipulation.
Yeah, their position may or may not be legal (I’m no lawyer) but I feel qualified to say it's stupid.
As another comment noted, for organizations receiving federal funds, probably no, as it provides the suggestion of government endorsement.
I anticipate being pilloried for this, but this story is a much better example of Olympic corruption than anything else. That a nation can “recruit” foreign citizens for their Olympic team is a bizarre facet of Olympic citizenship rules. It mostly seems to allow for the sale of vanity spots on a team, or for athletes…
Not only can I say that, I quite happily will: people “concerned” that Ciri won’t look precisely as described in the stories do not have a legitimate concern. I cannot recall a single instance in which her whiteness was a significant point either in the plot or in her characterization. Anyone upset that this…
Is the general opinion here that this was a premeditated murder being disguised as a "tragic accident"? I see some discussion of conflicting witness statements, any word as to motive or the connection between victim and perpetrator?
But due to retaliatory tariffs, we won’t be exporting American-built cars to China, one of the largest markets in the world.
His voting record was considerably more liberal than the "standard" Centrist Dem. He voted against the Iraq War and the Patriot Act. His stated positions are significantly to the left of the norm for the party. I think Pressley will make an outstanding legislator, but in this instance there's no need to take shots…
Spoken like someone unfamiliar with the cuisines of the British Isles, or Russia.
What constitutes a good resume for public office? Being a political legacy, a Cuomo or a Kennedy or a Bush is obviously no guarantee of competence. Military service is commonly seen as a “leadership” role that dovetails into public service, but that hasn’t produced consistently excellent public servants either. Law is…
You’re probably right. It’s just difficult for me to conceive of how you could surpass someone like Biles, a young woman who so clearly pushes the boundaries of human physical performance. In time only those similarly gifted will be competitive in gymnastics, and someone will again appear to raise the bar, but…
She belongs to a special category of superlative athletes, like LeBron James or Babe Ruth, or Serena Williams. People who transform the normal act of the sport into something transcendent, but can also make it look so easy.