It’s a built in function of the multiplayer, you can set a level cap. 50 is the most common in competitive, not 100% sure why, but I know it’s easiest to calc EVs for 50 and 100
It’s a built in function of the multiplayer, you can set a level cap. 50 is the most common in competitive, not 100% sure why, but I know it’s easiest to calc EVs for 50 and 100
Christopher Hitchens was a contrarian, racist shitheel, but Milo’s moral bankruptcy so impressively exceeds Hitchens’ that even in death he can only benefit by comparison.
Finally, someone makes the Pacific Rim/Advance Wars hybrid I never knew I wanted.
They could spend it on cocaine and you’d still pay the same amount in taxes.
The game just got picked up for “Season 2,” which is supposed to be a second set of content similar in scope to what they’ve delivered so far. The developers have also been pretty clear that they’re committed to keeping the flow of targets going through Season 2, so I wouldn’t worry about the game losing steam,…
Actually, we already do pick and choose what words are allowed, you can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater, and it is illegal to incite violence with speech. But sure, why not wait until after the trigger is pulled to do anything, that way you can have your warm fuzzy about respecting the free speech rights of people…
Publicly advocating and subsequently successfully electing a president that supports your fascist ideology isn’t “acting” on those beliefs? How is it not transparently obvious that speech can cause fear and death with vastly less risk than pulling the triggers yourself?
Well then I guess we really fucked up when we legitimized the shit out of the Third Reich.
The far right already decided that like a fucking shitload of times. See: the Civil War, lynching, police response to the civil rights movement, various racially motivated murders committed by hate groups, assaults on protestors at Trump rallies, etc.
I can’t go back and “enjoy” Shenmue in the context of it’s time, so maybe back then Dreamcast owners thought it was amazing, but it is now 100% hot garbage.
I get where you’re coming from, as I have never had what I would call “refined” taste in films, but Michael Bay has somehow found a way to take a surefire formula (attractive people, explosions and giant robots) and managed to make it not just incoherent and frequently bigoted and/or mysogynistic, but fucking boring. …
Heather, could we maybe get a follow up post filled with the sweet, sweet tears of banned cheaters? “I just got banned” posts from these guys are always the best.
Fuckin Spec Ops, man...
Seriously, fuck going Right. The Democratic party has been trying to have its cake and eat it too for 30 goddamn years, and it hasn’t gotten us anywhere. So it’s time to go Left, full on fucking “class warfare” style. I want universal healthcare, universal income, and I want to be able to hear rich people fucking ho…
The “problem” that got middle and upper class white people to vote for Trump is that they couldn’t stand for a black man to dismantle their privileged position, and would be damned if that would continue under a woman. These are the people that Donald Trump won. Lower income voters went for Hillary, as did minority…
Seriously, no mythological creature who is that obsessed with virginity is a good choice for President.
Could someone send a mail owl over to Durmstrang and ask Megyn Kelly to stop being intermittently not terrible? It’s making me very confused.
No, I’m saying that the message of Chick tracts is racist, hateful, and insane regardless of tone. I responded to someone who wasn’t convinced that Chick’s message was wrong, but merely that his tone was problematic. That is not a laudable position to hold.
Seriously? As a Christian, your problem with Chick wasn’t content, but tone? Way to put yourself on the right side of history there.
High quality Harlan Ellison ref, loving it.