
Ah, the Neue Ziel, because in Japan it’s subtle to name your antagonist’s new Mobile Armor the “New Target,” provided you then translate that to German.

Fucking finally. Clearly you've heard my call to give up all the bullshit and stick to what Deadspin does best.


Maybe I’m confused, and I’m definitely not a lawyer, but isn’t this one of the least effective arguments Cosby’s lawyers can make here? The prosecutor was never empowered to make the offer he did, and Cosby’s attorneys apparently never bothered to get it in writing regardless, so clearly the state hasn’t granted him

I want to be on board with Shonda. In principle, I am, but in practice I really don’t find any of her work remotely watchable, so this is basically just news that there will be even less programming on ABC that I can stomach.

Berlin’s fantastic. Good food, great nightlife, public transportation basically runs on the honor system, and in general the city is relatively easy to deal with for non-German speakers. Heck, you can catch a movie in English down at the Potsdamer Platz. Hit up the Museuminsel, too.

That’s awesome. Unfortunately the state of the social welfare system in the US is dire, if not virtually non-existent. Almost all of the programs that you work with have no analog in the USA. It's a travesty, really, but not something that seems likely to change.

Man, if I could talk to dead people I’d be rich as fuck. Just start going around, interrogating dead that hid valuables. Bug Goebbels until he spills it and get some of that sweet “I found a shitload of Nazi gold” cash.

Well, given that there are no real mediums, and given that you can just as easily (and perhaps significantly more cheaply) have a therapist tell you that your dead mother loved you, I’d say you don’t have to be conflicted.

What’s the functional difference between being a “medium” and just telling random people that all of their dead family members thought they were swell?

I don’t know where you work, but I don’t know of any US state possessing a social work system that has the infrastructure to provide that level of support.

As the story establishes, the mother failed to do multiple tasks that were required of her after the birth. It’s also ridiculous to expect foster parents (who are presumably employed in addition to, you know, fostering children) to teach this woman how to care for an infant.

Glad to hear! I hope you have a good time, I love it over here. Whereabouts you headed?

If it makes you feel any better, I live in Germany and very rarely hear about issues with bedbugs.

I would vote for either of these candidates in a general election, and I’m not sure yet who I’ll be voting for in my primary. With that said, what is Hillary Clinton’s “plan” to repeal the Hyde Amendment?

It’s interesting, because there are a lot of folks speaking about this as though the refusal on WWE’s part is a malicious attempt to bury Daniel Bryan, perhaps in hope that his absence will make fans fonder of Reigns and other guys Vince likes.

Follow-up question: will you be watching the season 2 premiere of Lucha Underground? Because you should, it’s fucking great.

You’re not wrong. Maybe substitute “education system” instead of specifically public schools.

I’m feeling less desk smashy and more crushed under the weight of this shittiness. I’m deep in Niedergeschlagenheit.

The American cultural and political climate may be the clearest indictment of our failing public school system.