Clearly this list is incorrect, as any consistent Deadspin reader would know that #1 with a bullet would be “getting hit by a car.”
Clearly this list is incorrect, as any consistent Deadspin reader would know that #1 with a bullet would be “getting hit by a car.”
Dude, we fought a civil war that still dwarfs most of our other major conflicts in terms of American casualties. And we didn’t fight it as part of a basic left/right political tussle, but over the basic governmental structure of our country, and whether or not its citizens should be able to own other human beings.
The issue is that while what you’re saying is in some sense true (that there is no perfect bank) there are some banks and credit unions which are less expensive and better at customer care, even if they do still have too many fees.
I think that the issue isn’t that all games need to address all of those issues, but that right now very few games address any of those issues. In an ideal world, the landscape of gaming would provide a rich diversity of experience and representation, such that a game with a largely white, Slavic cast would provide an…
I think you have to look at the complaint as less of a direct criticism of Witcher 3 in particular, and more as pointing to a contemporary example of a pervasive issue. Add to that CDPR’s tendency toward responsiveness and transparency and I tend toward the opinion that the aim was less to nail Witcher 3, and more to…
NOT TRUE. I saw it because I spent my childhood in Elizabethtown, KY.
Jason highlights a trust issue, but I think there are other issues at play. I don’t play Destiny, but I would wager that many players would cite 1-25 content as a significant weakness in the current game. Offering a level boost actually disincentivizes revamping this content, as they will make more money if it’s…
Well, according to the campaign, originally they were going to add new stretch goals once each day. Given the massive success so far, not sure what the plan is in that light.
I cancelled my subscription immediately. I’m considering buying a “modem” with my savings and checking out this America Online free trial I’ve had lying around. I’ve heard it’s kinda caught on.
I am a male millenial (or at least I think I am, what’s the cutoff?) and just the utterance of the phrase makes me want to find a hipster to punch. Like that motherfucker in the title pic, god what a douche.
Oh shit, yeah. Better yet, make Blunt the bruiser. I would pay many monies to watch Emily Blunt put people’s faces into and through various inanimate objects.
I liked that they killed the husband, as a plot point it works better in the movie, but the reason they made that call is apparently fucking bullshit.
According to her, Deadspin didn’t even seek her consent before posting this. Maybe you’re not familiar with the colloquial usage of “get her OK” but it means “seek her permission,” as opposed to “tell her that it’s happening.”
So, when this post gets taken down, who’s falling on their sword along with Marchman? Magary, with the podcast connection? God please don’t let it be Burneko.
This is going to be a disaster, I can already see it.
I listen to their D&D podcast and like it, but I’m not sure about adding that one to my feeds. Would you recommend MBMBAM?
Agreed, but it’s kinda like muscle definition on a small, skinny guy. Yes I can see it, but that doesn’t mean they look as muscular as someone who’s really shredded.
And the best part is that apparently a minority opinion is proof. So you don’t even need most people to agree with something to make it true, you just have to say that someone does. It’s the ultimate progression of the sanctity of opinion.
Literally anything could have “a chance” of causing cancer, or interfering with treatment. You could use dirt instead of make-up and probably increase your chances of getting cancer. Continuing to breath increases your likelihood of having fucking cancer. There are no wholly safe substances. Hormonal birth control,…
This post sucks. It does not note the concentrations of supposedly harmful ingredients, so it’s impossible to know if such chemicals are present in medically significant dosages. That formaldehyde study cited doesn’t suggest that formaldehyde concentrations in cosmetics cause harm, just that releasers are present in…