
Have a White Claw and calm down there buddy, it’s a pretty widely-held opinion that beer and wine (and spirits) are indeed acquired tastes. Certainly matches up with my own experience anyway.

She is financially stable enough that she could never work again and still give her children the most incredible life, including being with them as much as she wanted. Yet chooses not to. The same thing goes for her husband. Squillionaires talking about shit like this as if they are making the same choices you and I

I think there is power to imaginary friendships. While Queer Eye is obviously a TV show with its own plot devices, a form of shallow self help consumerism, archetypes, and fictional tropes, I find when I watch it - I feel a real emotional release. This may indicate to some degree I have absence of meaningful

And punish the innocent athletes, including some of his victims, more than anyone else? What good does that do?

the two things that is criminally under reported is (1) the shooter literally carved swastikas into the side of his gun and (2) the school has a very large jewish population

I don’t think that Emma Gonzalez is trying to assimilate a la Marco Rubio.

Hold up. The main woke girl is latinx, and so were multiple victims in this shit. Are we really at the “not black = white” level here

Counterpoint: Stick to one issue at a time. If you try to attach Michael’s laundry list of wishes to your goal, you’ll accomplish nothing and the odds of you accomplishing anything are pretty thin to start with.

“17 white lives”

Are you sure about that?

You must be reeeeally confused. Because this story is not about hiring a prostitute.


...only if you think her father’s legacy is tarnished because he might have slept with a man.

Emma makes a lot more sense when you consider that her parents are both psychotherapists, and her father, in particular, a psychoanalyst to CEOs.

But accurate reporting should be.

“The Tuimaugas are Pacific Islanders.”

Other than the fact that the smell of weed smoke goes away like 10x faster than the smell of cigg smoke, sure.

Per Associate Press Style, the style used by the vast majority of news outlets, “Dr.” is never used with a person’s name, unless that person is a “doctor” as in “physician.” Doesn’t matter who the person is — everybody is treated according to this rule in reporting. Hope this helps.

so you have ultra feminist jezebel......IO9 geeks which i like....and the racist over at The Root......and yes...the root is what i would consider to be a black racist website...

...who in turn should be played by Vanessa Bayer in the movie.

FINALLY! I figured out who Tiffany reminds me of...Corin Tucker from Sleater-Kinney.