Same, I have a super cheapo desktop I built just for arting that runs off a 120gb SSD and despite having like, 1/3rd the processing power as my laptop it boots up any Adobe program almost twice as fast
Same, I have a super cheapo desktop I built just for arting that runs off a 120gb SSD and despite having like, 1/3rd the processing power as my laptop it boots up any Adobe program almost twice as fast
if your using SSD for regular storage its a complete waste of money atm
No way, even though personally I find Fallout 3 more enjoyable, New Vegas is much closer to the true feel of a fallout games.
If you have watched any videos you know that the humor in this game is much better presented and delivered, it's also a different type of comedy. This is making satire of itself and game troupes, while Duke Nukem is repeating the humor that made the first two games successful but with a relatively straight face.
Agreed, the games grump I think will do just fine, that person with the other person in Steam Train is..pretty meh
no those are public use
He's probably a huge fan of Cities in Motion 2
One day you will completely reverse that thought process
Reggie is just the head of Nintendo North America of course he is fake
Then you should be well aware Nintendo's entire marketing strategy is remaking the same 10 IP's and relying solely on its fan-base to buy the same iterations over and over. Nintendo is the apple of game devs.
I am a completely pro-video game enthusiast and I would have to disagree with this. There a plenty of good old games like Serious Sam and Painkiller that ARE just mindless shooting. Not that this is a problem, just like a conveniently places explosive barrel it's only purpose is to add to the enjoyment of the…
It was a games journalist, who I'm assuming have the most arduous days at E3
From what I've heard by the third day it doesn't matter how professional you are, the accumulated grime has finally reached critical mass
Where is Chris Antista in this video
any particular reason besides "yeah no"
I lol'd
While I do think that's BS, and at one point those servers WILL go down for some reason. If anyone COULD pull it off (looks at EA, Blizzord), it would be MS, the amount of servers they have and the capitol they have on hand to acquire more is absurd.
Comparing a console that is using updated but same technology and switching its priorities and focus to something many people do not like is not the same as a technological leap in data-storage.
But good try