Alec Beals

You okay there remaining 149 players?

It's also not always that easy as 'dont work for them'.
I'm sure tons of people would love to not work for Walmart if they didn't have to, but sometimes you have to go to whats hiring, and a big company with big money is usually hiring quite a bit.

I've wanted WC IV since 2005


This is the perfect comment

Because its not strange, it is merely huge, it followed basic German tank design of the time just on a different scale. Rather boring design in actually, and on top of that there was an even larger tank design in the works.

Boy I wish society allowed for that 'pulse and pause' fairy tale but for the vast...VAST majority of us that is not an option

>Suggests person

I don't see an army of lawyers on that white board

and what exactly are you saying

...that logic hurts


Interesting, I have a Dell XPS 15 and the screen looks great on it, and can get brighter than any other laptop screen I have ever seen, its only downside is pretty lousy angles, and the tech support I get is also pretty stellar, especially the house calls.

I feel like I am the only one that is okay with this and doesn't see the problem, even on the [giz?] article those modems were into the triple digit range, and at least where I live the modem rental is under $3 a month, so $36~ for the whole year, and if anything happens to it, it's on Time Warners bill and they have

so you missed that whole stateside part didn't you?

You don't understand why they keep it alive do you?

I would like to see what you produce just by yourself in a year

I want these to be used in the states as roving Help Desks

Seems like he has a lot less going on than most people have

Are we forgetting (jk this is such a biased look a things he purposely didn't forget this but for the sake of the comment lets pretend) Ubisofts awful, shitty, asshole of a stance on DRM?