Aston Martin Vespertine

I’m Bernie all day, but will gladly hold my nose for Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, blankety-blank... it. Don’t. Matter.

This vehicle looks almost exactly like the one off of Total Recall, Johnny Cab.

Toyota is the only one doing luxury correctly....

So, in otherwords... Demolition Man seems to be an accurate estimation of what self-driving cars of the future will look like. Lots of smooth surfaces to make sure the Lidar works well.

By my deeds I honor him.”

So the extra-judicial killings are merely meant as deterrents... Fuck, that makes it so much easier to swallow.

Didn’t say you should, said I hope this leads readers down the rabbit hole of evil this man is responsible for. I think that’s relatively clear in my comment.

I was legit excited for the Dany Bahar Lotuses. He had the right idea.

It’s not really about “killing drug dealers.” It’s about the extrajudicial nature of the killings.  Literal street gangs, hit squads, and bounties.  These are death squad killings being conducted without trial or review.   Even if people are able to look the other way because they’re drug dealers, the important part

Hitler got millions of people to cheer for him despite them having a pretty good idea what he was doing. Throughout history lots of nations have cheered on murderous dictators as long as they’re murdering the right categories of “undesirables” for the population. 

My problem here is the hypocrites that have a problem with this won’t stop to think for a second about the truly horrible shit that he does. They’re more mad about a corporate product literally smuggled as contraband being destroyed than they are about a dictator bragging about extra-judicially murdering people.

As I

A kleptocratic authoritarian runs the Philippines? What a shock!

The quotes are because it’s what he calls them so that people don’t look into it any further And yeah, it is in the top 5 for him.

Trumpster fire?

It isn’t just drug dealers, it’s addicts and homeless kids too.

This kind of thing pre-dates Duterte. One of my friends lives outside of Manilla. He’s a computer geek but is running a very basic rig because of the outrageous prices to get things in the Philippines. I offered to buy and ship him some part as well as some comics because we’re both nerds. He told me to save my money.

Seriously, dude's a full-blown human dumpster fire

Except Duterte is an asshole so it’s completely OK to hate him more than the smugglers anyway.

Holy shit, I just showed this pic to my wife and she instantly said, “It looks like a guy is taking his head off.”

Damn, that is better.  Plus its ass isn't as huge and it has better wheels.