Rannge Rover Veloster?
Rannge Rover Veloster?
Kavanaugh’s opening statement read and sounded like something that was written for him by Breitbart. Specifically Bannon.
That opening speech read and sounded like something that was written for him by Breitbart. Specifically Bannon.
They’re all hand-selected by Koch Brothers think tanks to inflict maximum damage.
It sounded like something that was written for him by Breitbart. Specifically Bannon.
I know right? It sounds like something Bannon would have written.
Aren’t these nominees hand-picked for the GOP by Koch-funded think tanks like The Heritage Foundation?
Speaking of Cadillacs, how come Jalopnik has no articles yet on the new Cadillac Beast? Don’t tell me the Secret Service is now in the business of press embargos too.
You know his base tolerates this specifically because they believe whites need to hoarde as much wealth as they can -no matter the means or cost to society - before they become a racial minority in 2050... Or whenever their imagined white genocide occurs.
Destroying this once and for all is why BMW (or some crazy Arab oil sheik) needs to shoehorn the M5's 617 HP 4.4 litre V8 into this thing to create the Z4 M-onstro.
Oh nice. It has a Venetian blind grille. So fancy!
There will be no Z4 M because everyone wants a fucking crossover.
Well Rolf, it’z time to get ze work un a neue Z4 M, ja? Let’s shoehorn the M5 engine into this thing und licht Porsche’s ass on fire.
This is why I can’t wait for their entire generation to shuffle off their mortal coil. Good riddance.
Something about the styling make me feel like they were holding back. I’m just saying, it could have looked more like the 90's alien spaceship they were hinting at by jumping on the trend of full-width lights.
Bye Felicia.
True libs wear Boost anyway. lelelelelel
Looks more like the proper Second Coming of the NSX.
Wow. I just realized how sad, ugly and ridiculous looking that rectangular center infotainment screen looks against the black parallelogram of its frame.
When we were kids, my younger brother and I called covertibles “sexy cars”.