Aston Martin Vespertine

I’d really like to see a “well-regulated militia” liberate themselves against the tyranny of a tactical Hellfire strike or a drone attack or a 2000lb cluster bomb or even the GAU-8 Avenger on an A-10 Warthog. Let’s see who wins, shall we?

Nope. Those are being shunned too. I wonder when the Republicans will follow suit.

You obviously haven’t been following recent trends on the left. More and more high profile Democrats are shunning corporate PAC money.

They really screwed up the PR on that one. You can have your side play the victim all you want but you should NEVER, EVER attack actual victims.

Finally. Cut off all of their oxygen.

Go big or go home. J/K I’d have shit my pants.

Et tu, Volvo? Afflicted with Audi-itis?

I’d like to see more copper.

Technically, the Black Panthers were considered a terror group back in the 60's but, yeah, old people... *shakes head*

Conservatives say the collapse of moral values caused this. Conservatives say music, Netflix and videogames caused this. Conservatives say liberal values and lack of discipline caused this.

I say Conservatives never listened to their kids before it was too late and then happily sold or bought for them AR-15s so

Conservatives say the collapse of moral values caused this. Conservatives say music, Netflix and videogames caused this. Conservatives say liberalism and lack of discipline caused this.

I say Conservatives never listened to their kids before it was too late and then happily sold or bought for them AR-15s so

One of the sad developments about this whole incident is the proliferation of Russian bots inserting themselves in the discourse. And you know its Russian bots because the counterargument they’ve rolled out is so absurdly antiquated: blaming entertainment as a scapegoat.

“We don’t like to kill our unborn. We need them to grow up and fight our wars.”

One of the sad developments about this whole incident is the proliferation of Russian bots inserting themselves in the discourse. And you know its Russian bots because the counterargument they’ve rolled out is so absurdly antiquated: blaming entertainment as a scapegoat.

One of the sad developments about this whole incident is the proliferation of Russian bots inserting themselves in the discourse. And you know its Russian bots because the counterargument they’ve rolled out is so absurdly antiquated: blaming entertainment as a scapegoat.

Hence why we need Medicare-for-all.

One of the sad developments about this whole incident is the proliferation of Russian bots inserting themselves in the discourse. And you know its Russian bots because the counterargument they’ve rolled out is so absurdly antiquated: blaming entertainment as a scapegoat.

Will it order a diet coke or nuclear armageddon?

“The new Cullinan is a big car. Tremendous car. Ocean car: the most beautiful piece of car you have ever seen. It also has a bigger nuclear button than Lil Rocket Man. Believe me.”