As a matter of resistance, it is our duty (and the MSM’s as well) to deny Trump credit. Even if GOP does replace it with something new, it should still be called Obamacare by everyone - if only to troll the GOP and alt-right.
As a matter of resistance, it is our duty (and the MSM’s as well) to deny Trump credit. Even if GOP does replace it with something new, it should still be called Obamacare by everyone - if only to troll the GOP and alt-right.
You win the internetz.
Meh... they ruined the AMG GT for me the moment they gave the frowning grille.
That was awkward...especially toward the end.
How dare you support Communism by buying an Aston? Stingray or bust!
Yeah...hahaha. So far as I see Trump has acted less like a strong man and more like a wise guy.
“come down a notch, and look like a petty little brat by tweeting and Facebooking this just to open up dialogue so we can have an adult conversation.”
Ford has just entered the Koch Brothers’ hate list.
Better start buying stock in Louis XIV replicas if there is such a thing.
Wow, so troll. If you don’t like seeing the word “shit” in a car blog title, try Autoblog.
At least Saab entered Valhalla all shiny and chrome (wheels).
Looks like Drumpf just grabbed 12 women by the pussy for his coronation. Errgghhh....
That was the crux of your own scenarios on who Putin would be afraid of! WTH?
Believe it or not the alt-right also hate George W Bush and the neocons. One of the few things both sides can agree on these days.
In Kremlin, Moscow:
The shame of it though was that it turned out the Volkswagen one was autotuned to death.
I mean, like, what did you expect from hipsters?
Worse than boring or derivative. It’s literally recycled - like had something amazing and sinuous in the works but they ran out of time or thought “Ve shud try zees thing I herd ze Italianz do from zat funny Britisher Germy Klahkson und hav ze leizurely lunch. Zat is fun, ja?”
Poor Nietzsche. Until now, his work is still being butchered by fascists. Hey Spencer, Nietzsche thought you were all a bunch of untermensches!