Aston Martin Vespertine

Was that, by any chance, at ITT Tech?

Separated at birth?

Mercedes seems to be the only german that’s figured out that swooping curves and opulence are back while geometric lines and zen minimalism are out.

And with that, the ugliest 5-Series ever was born. Honestly, this whole let’s make everything around us look like an ode to the 80's has got to stop. The 80's wasn’t as great as hipsters think. It was a horrible shitpile of a decade.

Maybe they “cheap out” because 100% pure oxygen goes kaboom?! They make the nitrogen mixing sound like pure cocaine being cut down with some dangerous chemical filler. Last I checked Nitrogen + Oxygen = Air.

All hail the new Pen Pineapple Apple Pen.

I wonder suddenly if insurance fraud exists in Europe.

Forget those dreams. If Jalopnik’s commenters have taught me anything that theoretically Honda-priced Porsche will cost you a brand new Porsche down the line.

Be still my beating heart.

Murcielago does nothing for me. I’ll take the Miura, Countach or Diablo.

Sorry to be morbid but I feel for the pilot and his family. They’re probably in a concentration camp by now.

I said it and I meant it as a compliment.

Rear 3/4 window is pure Audi Q5.

This is what fetishizing 80's design looks like.

Oh yeah. These are exciting times. Just as the hubbub of the LaFerrari, 918 and P1 rivalry is starting to die down we are once again thrown into another brewing rivalry between even more insane ultra, mega, Gilgamesh cars. I wonder if there will be a third contender and who it would be (I vote for Lancia just because).

Jesus, the F12 Berlinetta keeps looking better and better with age.

Is it just me or has Honda just out-WRX STI’d Subaru?

or “fun chunkiness”.

Of all the bad things I’ve been hearing about FCA it seems they’ve been doing good by Jeep. I never expected them to see it as their crown jewel.